Casing Design

This project was started as an assignment for my Drilling Engineering II course. Later on, I worked on it and made some improvements, and added a user interface. It takes several inputs, these are: 
  1. Depth, feet
  2. Mud Weight, ppg
  3. Expected formation pressure gradient, psi/ft
  4. Collapse design factor
  5. Joint strength design factor
  6. Yield strength design factor
  7. Internal yield design factor
Also, the casing size should be chosen from the interface. I only created a list of 7'' and 9 5/8'' casings, which I believe should be enough for the moment. After the inputs are given and the casing size is chosen, the design process takes place and gives a table. This table includes the following:
  1. Section
  2. Interval, ft
  3. Length, %
  4. Casing Grade
  5. Casing Weight
  6. Coupling Type
Example figures are shown below.

Note: The program still contains some bugs since it is still in the development stage.

Figure 1: 7'' Casing design, before the design.

Figure 2: 7'' Casing design, final result.


Figure 3: 9 5/8'' Casing design, before the design.

Figure 4: 9 5/8'' Casing design, final result.